Categoría: Iberoamérica y Caribe

Spanish Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean

MADRID-María Murillo Luque Fernando Rey Yébenes, the Assistant Coordinator General of AECID, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation that reports to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation through the State Secretariat for International Cooperation and Ibero-America, born in Priego de Córdoba (Spain),agreed to be interviewed via E-mail from Bogotá. Mr. Rey started his […]

Iberoamérica y Caribe
Iberoamerica y caribe
De yeguas, mercaderes y corruptos: elecciones en la Argentina post-Nisman

Tras el accidentado inicio del 2015, el año electoral que le espera a Argentina se presenta enmarañado, confuso y difícil de analizar de forma objetiva. Desde Europa, la incertidumbre nos sumerge en una fábula de corte nietzscheana, en la que el mundo creído verdadero acaba por convertirse en un desfile de simulacros, aspirantes al trono, […]

Iberoamérica y Caribe
The stumps in the road to Latin American integration

Latin America is a developing region known for its multiculturalism and plurinational nature. A history based on inequalities, disorganized growth and unstable governments have led to different challenges for the society and democracy in general. Xavier Muñoz Aray is an expert on the region and he talks about these problems that Latin America has to […]

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